Have some of our newest bars delivered right to your doorsteps!
This monthly, curated set will have at least three bars of soap delievered to your front door each month for one low price. As a subscriber, you will have the opportunity to receive exclusive items that are not available for purchase online. And if you're lucky, your box may even include additional travel sized items or goodies from our other line of products.
Bars will vary, depending on the inventory. However, the retail value of your box will always be more than the cost of the monthly subscription. This is a great way to try new soap recipes, have a beautiful stock of gifts on hand, and never run out of our luxurious bars. Ingredients, weights and styles will vary, but each bar will come individually wrapped with a list of ingredients.
Soap Mystery Box Subscription
To Use : Drainage is key to preserving our soaps. Keep your soaps in a dry, ventilated area when not in use. By creating an ideal environment, your soaps will last longer. If you think the actual soap is too big to palm, just cut it in half.